Black Bowie van het Oosterhuis
Be mine Demi of EastLake One
Daniel van het Notenbos
Indian Summer van de Sasmir
Glenlara Captain Rossi Blue
We are Cor and Debby Scholtz.
In 1998, we met each other through our 2 labradors, Bowie and Jari.
In 1999 we got married, Bowie and Jari as special witnesses and bearers of the rings.
These two wonderful labradors got us 'infected' with the labrador virus.
In 2000 Demi came into our life, a beautiful brown girl.
She made us realize that we would like to breed our own litter. So we signed up for the show, made X-rays of her hips and elbows and did the eye examination.
Unfortunately, Demi received epilepsy and we decided not to continue with her. Health and character are high priority.
After our son Duncan was born, we decided to wait with breeding for a while.
But blood is thicker than water and a few years later we wanted to pick up where we left.
In 2006, Indy came into our lives.
We bought her from a friendly breeder. Unfortunately Indy became ill, she fell in the pond and we could not continue with her.
Our motto is: we chose the dog and not the other way arround, so they will stay until it is there time.
And with four dogs, two cats and a son growing up, our house was full.
We had already requested our kennel name, of the Dark Warrior
In 2014, Indy was the only one left and now Duncan wanted a compagnon. We decided to look for a handsome yellow male.
We med a very nice breeder and could buy our amazing Yellow(Glenlara Captain Rossi Blue).
Yellow is our family clown and a very nice and friendly teddy bear.
In 2016, we lost Indy and only Yellow was left. Duncan already growing up to be a young man. Time to look for a healthy and beautiful bitch. We searched together with some very nice people. Here too we encountered a few small obstacles, but then unexpectedly "we found" in 2017, Kyra (Irislav First Lady) a 6 month old, yellow bitch. Hopefully we can breed our very first litter with her. 'We keep our fingers crossed'.